
BSF Genesis Lesson 10 Day 4

Abram and Sarai sinned and conceived a child through Hagar

Oct 28, 2020 · 2 mins read
Abram and Sarai sinned and conceived a child through Hagar

“Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.” – Genesis 15:6

Summary of Genesis 16:1-6

In this scripture, we see human reasoning and policies at work. Back in the days, if the wife could not bear children, the wife could provide someone to have children for her. But this wasn’t God’s plan. We can see that Abram and Sarai did not sought God, and God did not stop them from doing what they planned.

As a result, Hagar (Sarai’s slave) got pregnant and began to despise her. Sarai said she was suffering. This wrong decision has caused troubles, conflict, and pain. Sarai blamed Abram, and Abram gave Sarai the freedom to handle the situation. So she mistreated Hagar, and she ran away.


How did Sarai and Abram show some faith and some unbelief in God’s promise of Genesis 15:4-5? They believe that God will provide them with a son, but they were unsure how they could have happened because Sarai had borne no children. So they took the matter to their own hands; they did not seek God.

What do you learn about the relationship between what we believe and how we behave? We can believe what God says and what has been written in the Bible, but our current situations can largely impact how we behave.

What sins did Abram and Sarai commit in these verses? Society in Abram’s time accepted polygamy, but God ordains marriage for one man and one woman. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh. (Genesis 2:24.) Therefore, polygamy is outside of God’s will and is a sin.

What were the immediate and long-term results of trying to gain something good through sin? The immediate result that Sarai faced is suffering and despised by Hagar. In the long-term, they could hurt their relationship between Abram and Sarai and hurt their relationship with God.

What have you learned in this passage or by personal experience about waiting for God to fulfill His promises in His perfect way and time? To wait on God and seek God, rather than rushing to do things with my own logic, doing what that makes sense.