
BSF Genesis Lesson 5 Day 4

The Lord commanded Noah to build and fill the ark

Sep 24, 2020 · 1 min read
The Lord commanded Noah to build and fill the ark

“God said to Noah, ‘I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth.’ ” – Genesis 6:13


What stands out in God’s instructions, warning and promises to Noah? God’s instructions were detailed, from materials to timing. He knows what materials to use, and he knows how long it takes for Noah to build the ark, and how long it takes for all the animals to board the ark. God promises to keep Noah and his family safe while destroying all other living creatures; reflects God’s love and justice.

What do these verses say about Noah’s response to God? Noah did all that the Lord commanded him. This shows his obedience and trust in God.

What is your response to God’s instructions, warnings and promises concerning judgment and salvation? God judge sinners, but he also provided a way of deliverance through Jesus. I need to recognize God’s judgment is real, and to reach out to others.

What is God asking you to do at this time in your life? How are you responding?. To learn from Noah, be recognized as righteous in God’s eyes, blameless, wholeheartedly, and faithfully walk with God.