
BSF Genesis Lesson 11 Day 4

God promised Sarah she would bear Isaac within the year

Nov 05, 2020 · 1 min read
God promised Sarah she would bear Isaac within the year

“I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.” – Genesis 17:7

Summary of Genesis 17:15-22

God continued to converse with Abraham, and God gave a new name for Sarai, Sarah, for God will bless her and provide a son born through her and become the mother of nations. But Abraham has doubts about how can Sarah bear a child at 90. But God responded that they would have a son, Isaac, by this time next year.


What similar words does God repeat about Sarah in this passage and about Abraham in 17:5-8? of nations and kings will come from you (her).

How do God’s words show He wanted to prevent Abraham and Sarah from misinterpreting His meaning? God gave a time when Isaac will be born, by this time next year. God is also very specific that Sarah will bear a son, not someone else.

How does God distinguish between Isaac and Ishmael that prevents misunderstanding His will? For Isaac, God establishes his covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him. For Ishmael, he will be the father of twelve rulers and make him into a great nation.

What steps do you take to avoid misinterpreting God’s Word or misunderstanding His will? I take time to pray and also seek counsel from others.

Why might the phrase “by this time next year” have changed things for Abraham and Sarah? One, they have waited for this promise to be fulfilled for a long time and have been wondering when it will come. This can help them to look forward to Isaac. And seeing how God managed to do the impossible, making Sarah give birth to Isaac at 90, this will increase their faith and belief that God can do all things.