
BSF Genesis Lesson 7 Day 2

Noah’s nakedness was revealed by Ham and covered by Shem and Japheth

Oct 04, 2020 · 1 min read
Noah’s nakedness was revealed by Ham and covered by Shem and Japheth

“But the LORD came down to see the city and the tower the people were building.” – Genesis 11:5

Summary of Genesis 9:18-23

The bible recorded for us that Noah has three sons, and they were the beginning of filling the whole earth with people.

Here, we see that Noah, despite personally experienced God and has been faithful to obey God, isn’t without sin. He fell into sin in drunkenness. His son, Ham, saw his father naked and drunk but did not cover Noah. Instead, he went to tell his brothers. The brothers did something more honorable, walking backward so that they would not see their father naked; they covered Noah.


Describe the actions of Noah and his sons. Ham saw his father, Noah, drunk and naked. He went out to tell his brothers about it. Shem and Japheth walked backward, not to see their father naked; they covered Noah with a garment.

What do you learn about sin and its influence from Noah and his sons? We have seen how faithful and obedient Noah is, but he is not immune to sin. Instead of doing the right thing, Ham possibly has sinned too, by gossiping to his brothers.

What are you challenged to imitate or avoid? The vineyard was the source of drunkness; we should take action to remove anything that can potentially cause us to sin.

How has your life been affected by the faults and successes of others? Through others’ weaknesses and successes, I learned from them; that I think that is how God teaches us lessons through others. In all kinds of topics; prayer, money, relationship…

How are others being affected by your faults and successes? Some people did see the change in me over the years; I hope that this is a good testimony of how God has been working in my life.