
BSF Genesis Lesson 5 Day 1

Cain Spreads Sin Into the World

Sep 20, 2020 · 2 mins read
Cain Spreads Sin Into the World

“If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.” – Genesis 4:7

Cain and Abel Offer Sacrifices – Genesis 4:1-7

The passage did not indicate what’s contributes to God to look upon Abel with favor and not Cain. God is righteous. He is perfectly just in all He does. God’s words, actions, and plans are always right. God sets the stands for what is right and what is good. In Genesis 3, God sacrificed animals to cover Adam and Eve, and perhaps the teaching about offerings was instructed, and they knew. Regardless of what they knew, God knows every heart’s motivation and when we go through the motions for personal benefit.

Cain was angry, revealing much about what is in his heart, his bitterness towards God and Abel. Similar to Adam and Eve, God was initiating a conversation that offered the opportunity to confess and repent. We can yield to God or allow our anger and bitterness to compound damage.

Abel demonstrates the path of righteousness and humble faith in God. Cain reveals unrighteousness, marked by evil, empty religion.

Cain Rejects God’s Mercy – Genesis 4:8-24

Cain’s thoughts and words are filled with pride and dismissed the grace and mercy of God. Willful defiance and rebellion set in, allowing his sin to escalate. His bitterness against God and resentment of his brother grew to deadly proportions. Refusing to open your heart to God opens the door to Satan, who seeks only to lie, kill, and destroy.

Cain’s rebellion brought God’s curse and was expelled our of God’s presence. His rebellion had reached a point of no return. He was responsible for his sins and earned the consequences of his rebellion.

Cain complained that his punishment is too great, and was afraid someone would kill him. But God’s put a merciful mark to protect Cain from harm. God’s care for his life, despite his unrelenting rebellion.

God’s Grace Overrules Sin’s Devastation – Genesis 4:25-26

God gave Adam and Eve another son, Seth, and Eve hoped Seth would be the promised one to overcome sin. Through Seth, through which Jesus Christ was ultimately born. At that time people began to call on the name of the Lord., people with faith in the living God rise in Seth’s family.

Our sinful nature and desires produce acts of sin. Sin blinds all people to the truth of the gospel. We run away from God rather than seek Him. Thanks be to the God who seeks and saves sinners! Faith in Jesus Christ frees believers from sin’s penalty. He breaks sin’s power, so believers are free to choose not to sin by the power of the Holy Spirit.